

Circulation: 423 


Rochester Marathon Volunteers

Just a few weeks away, is the ever exciting Rochester Marathon once again, running down St. Paul Blvd. right here and beyond on Sunday, Sept. 22nd.

 Maybe you volunteered before, or would like to give it a try this year.  Please fill out the 'easy peasy' sign up form below. When signing up, if you'd like to volunteer for more than one time slot, please just write in the comment section your availability.

 The runners thank us a million times over!  Can't even begin to say how grateful they are for us volunteers!  Have a blast with friends, family, the neighborhoods, groups, organizations!  

Deadline is September 12th. Don't miss out on the action for the many, many runners!





Rochester Marathon Traffic Advisory

Sunday, September 22nd 

Runners will be using the South bound lanes of Thomas Avenue and St. Paul Boulevard as they make their way through Irondequoit a map of the full course can be seen at According to the organizers, in and out access to the side streets may restricted during the morning hours as runners make their way through our community. However, volunteers from our town neighborhood associations and Yellow Jacket Racing as well as officers from the Irondequoit Police Department will be stationed at various intersections to make sure everyone stays safe.

Based on the information we have we are advising that Winona Woods residents utilize Winona Blvd as a North/South route during the morning to avoid the boulevard. When crossing or rejoining St. Paul is necessary we suggest using the intersection at Titus Ave

Please stand by for further information from Yellow Jacket Racing. 


Available Leadership Positions

We need your help!  As you know, Winona Woods is a 100% volunteer driven organization and without the time and effort of folks like you our organization would not exist. Can you help make a difference in our community by helping us to promote, organize, and implement activities which are intended to preserve and develop the character, beauty and quality …

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2019 Events Calendar

Be sure to check back on for any further updates or alterations! 


Winona Watch 


Board Meeting Minutes


Paid Advertisements 

PLEASE NOTE: The inclusion of advertising, logos or web site links in this newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by the Winona Woods Neighborhood Association
